5. ROUND 2 Data Analysis Drafts
For this assignment, your Presentation group will post your analysis drafts and data displays in a blog post for feedback from your global partner groups, and will provide them with feedback on theirs. Be sure to use appropriate language and the accountable talk strategies and sentence starters when communicating with your peers.
1. Finish your data displays and analysis drafts with your Presentation Group.
2. Successfully upload your data displays into a blog post created in your Presentation Group # Folder under ROUND 2 DATA ANALYSIS on the blog page.
a. Title your blog post with your School Name, and position on our driving question: Are teenagers around the world more similar or different?
b. Since you are now in a different group, you will need to reintroduce yourselves as a group. You can do this written out at the beginning of your post or by creating a short video presentation (see assignment 1 for a reminder of the details).
3. Review your peers' blog posts in your Presentation Group Folder and provide each group with constructive feedback using our learned accountability talk language, and the suggested sentence starters.
a. Use the final presentation checklist as a guide for your reviews.
4. Review the feedback that your group received, revise your data displays as needed, and respond to any comments made on your group's blog post.
***REMEMBER*** Before submitting any post or response, select assignment 5 under "Is this for an assignment?"
Continue to 6. Reflection/Check-In #3 »
Accountable Talk Sentence Starters Sentence starters to guide your discussions with your peers.
Collaboration Rubric This rubric from the Buck Institute for Education will be used to assess your...
Final Presentation Checklist The complete list of content components for the final presentation.
Final Presentation Checklist The content checklist for your final presentations.
Submissions (1)
Caren L Fitzsimmons Blog post: 2529.1 days ago